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Beautiful and atractive places for trekking in Batura valley in the sout of Batura Glacier. |
Batura provides beautiful scenery to foreign tourists. It attracts people from all over the wold to Hunza valley. Thousands of tourists travel Batura every year, because it is one of the famous and 2nd longest glaciers of the wold. The easy way to Batura is from the south of Batura glacier. A lot of peaks (more then 7000 meter) are situated in the south of Batura glacier. The middle of this glacier is white and the both sides are black with materiel load. At some places small glaciers have merged with each other and formed medial moraines.
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Batura Pasture
It is a U shape valley. It is alignment is from northwest to southeast, situated on the northwest of the KKH and Passu village. Batura pastures are located on the both sides of Batura Glacier, in the south lies the area of Hussaini and in the north is Passu. These are seasonal settlements for four months from May to September.
Ali Rehmat Musofer